EMS-16-G in a FlySky FS-i6X

NMS-, EMS- MSC- und SMS-Module
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Registriert: So 11. Dez 2022, 04:15

EMS-16-G in a FlySky FS-i6X

Beitrag von NutjobGTO »

So I've been silent a while. My truck project went on hold when dad died and mom got cancer.

Mom is doing much better now and I've had a chance to dig back into these side projects again.

I've acquired a Flysky FS-i6X, and in converting the left stick to self-centering, I noticed all the shoulder switches and the two dials are all connected with three-pin JSC plugs.

I've got the tools and supplies to crimp a new plug onto the EMS-16-G cable, so I can unplug and remove one of the two POT dials and feed the multiswitch cable through the resulting hole.

I just wonder if anyone has done this conversion already, even if they cut and soldered the wires, as getting a sneak peek at what wire goes to what pin in the plug would be very helpful. I know one is negative supply, one is positive ground, and one is signal, but right now I'm not sure which is which.

I don't want to go poking at wires with a multimeter I don't fully understand and possibly fry everything, without asking if someone already knows the answer.

As a side question, I have three trailers in the works, connected via the LM-IR-16-4 unit. I've got the signals for lights working reliably through the kingpin and coupler on a bench test setup, in that the signal is solid when coupled but there's no signal bleed activating uncoupled units.

However I have a different landing leg mechanism for all three: A set of Lesu screw legs, a Tamiya powered leg system, and a worm and segment gear to make a DGN gooseneck bend up and down to ground the float.

If the Multiswitch in the FS-i6X works, I'll have one POT dial free to work with.

I am wondering, just yes or no, if the soundteacher can use the multiswitch to change that dial between being a volume control, and powering the landing gear either through the motor posts on the LM module or a separate ESC on a Servo channel.

If 'no', I'm pretty sure the system can use one of the Multiswitch switches as 'Volume +/Volume -' from what I've read in the manuals.
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Registriert: Do 9. Okt 2014, 01:31

Re: EMS-16-G in a FlySky FS-i6X

Beitrag von Rascal »

Hello NutjobGTO,

sorry to hear about your parents, my condolences on your dad's passing and best wishes for your mum.
NutjobGTO hat geschrieben: Di 19. Nov 2024, 20:21I am wondering, just yes or no, if the soundteacher can use the multiswitch to change that dial between being a volume control, and powering the landing gear either through the motor posts on the LM module or a separate ESC on a Servo channel.
That won't be possible, but if the multiswitch works you can control the motor output or ESC on a servo channel via functions, i.e. "LM: Motor up/down" and "LM: Servo X Position X" respectively instead of using direct control that would need/block an entire channel.
Thus the dial could be used for direct volume control via a free prop channel input on the module.

Since you typically won't need proportional control of the leg's speed using the functions would allow setting a fixed speed, and you could also combine them with other functions.
E.g. use a Multi-function or Function-Sequence to activate a work light ("Output X") and lower the legs ("LM: Motor down" or "LM: Servo X Positition 1") and perhaps even play a sound simultaneously, too.
If 'no', I'm pretty sure the system can use one of the Multiswitch switches as 'Volume +/Volume -' from what I've read in the manuals.
That's also possible.
Beiträge: 6
Registriert: So 11. Dez 2022, 04:15

Re: EMS-16-G in a FlySky FS-i6X

Beitrag von NutjobGTO »

Ah, I wanted to do the direct proportional control of the landing gear because all the trailers have different mechanisms and thus different travel speeds. I'm especially concerned with the Detachable Gooseneck lowboy because I'm simulating a hydraulic neck with a worm gear and gear segment, and once the deck is grounded at the nose it overtravels to unlock and detach the neck, and then overtravels a little more to push a kickstand against the truck frame to lift the neck a bit so all the sensitive hooks and electrical contacts aren't dragging in the dirt.