Set-up not possible

Soundmodul und Fahrtregler in einem Modul
Beiträge: 3638
Registriert: Do 9. Okt 2014, 01:31

Re: Set-up not possible

Beitrag von Rascal »

Will the receiver power up when connected to Prop #5 (or 4 or 3)?
Beiträge: 16
Registriert: Mi 12. Jun 2013, 20:22

Re: Set-up not possible

Beitrag von Scrooge »

Powered receiver from prop 3 / 4 /5 as requested =OK
Put back in 6 and had power ! ????
Performed set-up again with only prop 6 connected (SBUS in project activated) and had succes
Don't know why
Connected aditionally (test) other SFR prop channels + prop 6 > normal power consumption 0.14
Thnx for the support
Basically activating braking function before setup and using pro 1 & 2 for setup instead of SBUS caused the confusion